What is Spiritual Direction?
Because we believe that God is never completely absent from our life, spiritual direction is a dynamic relationship in which one (the director) opens a sacred listening space for another (the directee), in which the directee may look for and discover God’s presence and action in their experience, deepen their awareness of God, and make discerned choices mindful of their relationship with God.
Spiritual Direction is conversation with a spiritual companion who is a trained deep listener that is looking for movements of the Spirit in your life from what you share in monthly 1:1 sessions or on a directed retreat. A Spiritual Director is not a therapist, but a person who listens, accompanies, and may be able to offer observations about your relationship with God, understanding of God, or how the Holy Spirit may be working in your life. St. Ignatius of Loyola understood the role of a spiritual director as one who helps another grow in relationship with God by listening, offering, and then getting out of the way. As an Ignatius House trained spiritual director, I honor this commitment.
Spiritual Direction is:
- An opportunity to remind people they are worthy of being heard.
- An opportunity to share your life story with a director, focusing on brings you life, what brings you joy, and how God is working in your life.
- An opportunity to share your life story with a director when you have obstacles and feel like God is not working in your life.
- An opportunity to share how your prayer life is going.
- A 1:1 helping relationship that allows someone to process religious experiences with a trained believer.
A spiritual direction is a person who accompanies you in this quest.
- You want to grow in your faith life
- You’re searching for answers
- You want to make time for you and your faith life
Then YES it’s definitely TIME TO REACH OUT!!
Ignatius House Retreat Center offers multiple sessions to learn more about spiritual direction, to get answers to all of your questions, and to see if it is right for you.
Want to hear more from me? Then fill this form and join me on this adventure!
See you on the other side!